It is our deep desire that your first visit to Calvary Community Church is positive, encouraging, and life-impacting. To that end, we’d like to give you a quick summary of what you may expect when you stop by. If you have more questions or would simply like to let us know you’re coming, shoot us an email or give us a call at 718-467-4108.

What to Wear.

Our church family comes together with no formal dress code. Some enjoy the opportunity to dress up formally while others prefer the comfort of the casual clothes they wear every day. You are welcome to come as you are, with no expectation for anything else!

Service Time.

Our Sunday morning service begins at 9:00am every week.

The Drive.

Our church is located at 1575 St. Johns Place in Brooklyn. If you’re familiar with the area, we are just two blocks north of Lincoln Terrace Park on the corner of Buffalo Avenue and St. Johns Place. Free parking is available behind the church. 

Upon Arrival. 

When you arrive, our friendly ushers will greet you at the door and will gladly answer any questions you have concerning where to go, where the bathrooms are, where the kids Sunday School is, etc.

The Worship. 

The people of Calvary Community Church are of all ages with differing styles and tastes in music – which we consider to be a good thing! As a result, the song styles we incorporate into our services may range from contemporary, traditional, and even original compositions written by members of our team. Our heart is to worship God through songs that glorify Him, and we consider the music expressed through our instruments and voices to be a corporate, Biblical, and joyful way to praise and worship our God!  During this time you are welcome to participate in whatever way you prefer, whether by standing or dancing, joining in singing, or by sitting and reflecting. Be comfortable to follow the Spirit’s leading as you worship!

The Kids. 

Every Sunday we offer Nursery for ages 0-5 and Sunday School classes for kids ages 5-12.

Prayer & Testimonies. 

We are a Spirit led congregation and we encourage the opportunity for believers to testify about what God has done in their lives. If you feel led by the Spirit to share anything, be sure to inform a Pastor so it can be shared in an orderly fashion.


Every week we present the opportunity for giving through tithes & offerings. We encourage you to give only as you feel led by God and not under any obligation, reluctance, or compulsion. “For God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)


Each Sunday we take a few moments to share about any recent and upcoming church events. Take note of any events or activities in which you might be interested in participating/serving in, and be sure to inquire with an usher who can lead you to the right contact to get involved!

The Message. 

Every week our Pastor or guest speaker have a message to share with the congregation. Our bulletins provide a space for you to take notes concerning the message and any other supplemental information for the message. Each message is thoughtfully and prayerfully prepared and we hope it will result in challenging you to discover God and His love for you in your life!

Following the Service. 

When the service concludes, you are welcome to stay and fellowship with those around you or leave for the rest of your day’s activities. On your way out, we encourage you to introduce yourself to the Pastoral staff. We love to make time for our guests and visitors!